KZ-Gedenkstätteninitiative Leonberg e.V
The goal, set by the memorial initiative ( KZ-Gedenkstätteninitiative Leonberg e.V ), is to preserve the memory of the KZ-Leonberg:
- through contact with former prisoners who are still alive
- through research and making known the history of the concentration camp and forced labour in Leonberg
- through preserving authentic locations, especially the “Engelbergtunnel”
- guided tours for groups and school classes on the “memory path”. Notice: Contact address (below) and Renate Stäbler, Tel./Fax: 00497152 41589
- book : Joachim Baur and Birgit Wörner (Hg.): “Konzentrationslager und Zwangsarbeit in Leonberg“, ISBN 3-933636-06-x (464 pages, 15.30 €, German, available at the town council of Leonberg [Stadtverwaltung, 71226 Leonberg] and the information desk of the new town hall)
- Film: „Überlebende des KZ Leonberg“[ Survivors of the concentration camp Leonberg] by Vaclav Reischl (2003, 36 Min., German)
Membership/ Interested parties
Everybody is welcome to become a member ( fee: annual 15 €, reduced 6 €). We also send circulars to interested parties without membership.
Contact address
Eberhard Röhm, Akazienweg 7, 71229 Leonberg,
Tel.: 00497152-26640 – E-Mail:
Chairwoman: Marei Drassdo, Vice chairman: Eberhard Röhm
Assessors: Katharina Fuchs, Irmtraud Klein, Holger Korsten, Martin Riethmüller, Holger Rohland, Joachim Schütz .
Account number: 8 112 426 , at the Kreissparkasse Böblingen (Bank sorting code: 603 501 30).
IBAN: DE 50 6035 0130 0008 1124 26
The association is a registered charity recognized by the tax office and issues confirmation of donations for tax relief.
Translated by Stella Drassdo